Marxists Internet Archive: Archive updates

MIA Updates


September 2024


See Also: Daily list of files updated


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We are now taking orders for books published by the MIA. These books are published by Marxists Internet Archive Publications and all proceeds benefit the MIA, ensuring our continued operation and enhancement.


29 September 2024: We add an html transcription of the Communist Manifesto to the Uyghurche section:

گوڭچەنداڭ خىتاپنامىسى
[Thanks to 许艺菲]


29 September 2024: Added to the Guy Debord Archive:

Theses on the Paris Commune, by Guy Debord, Attila Kotanyi, and Raoul Vaneigem 1962
[Thanks to Bureau of Public Secrets and Zdravko Saveski]


29 September 2024: Added to the Swedish Andre Gunder Frank Archive:

Capitalism and Underdevelopment in Latin America., (1968) in PDF format.
Capitalism and Feodalism in Latin Amerika, (1969).
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]

28 September 2024: Added to the Paris Commune Archive:

History of the Commune of Paris, by Pierre Vésinier 1872
The History of the Paris Commune of 1871, by Thomas March 1896
The Proletarian Revolt: A History of the Paris Commune of 1871, by George B Benham 1898
[Thanks to Internet Archive and Library of Congress]


28 September 2024: Added to the Swedish Spanish Revolution Internet Archive:

J. García Pradas: Russia betrayed us (1939) PDF format.
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


27 September 2024: Added to the Swedish Nikita Khrushchev Internet Archive:

The Great Patriotic War. From Khrushchev Remembers (1970)
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


26 September 2024: Added to the Swedish Roy Medvedev Internet Archive:

The Murder of Bukharin, 2003
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


25 September 2024: Added to the Lithuanian Marx and Engels Archive:

The Condition of the Working Class in England, 1845
The Peasant War in Germany, 1850
Speech at anniversary of the People’s Paper, 1856
Theories of Surplus-Value. Part I, 1863
The Part played by Labour in the Transition from Ape to Man, 1876


23 September 2024: The Spanish section starts an archive for the writings of Hugo Blanco, with:

El Maestro (1969)
A José María Arguedas (1969)
La reforma agraria peruana (1970)
Palabras al salir de prisión (1971)
Bases para la Constitución del Perú (Anteproyecto) (1978)
Los revolucionarios y las elecciones (1978)
Hugo Blanco responde a calumniadores (1978)
Entrevista a Hugo Blanco: "Acabar con la junta militar" (1978)
Libertades democráticas (1979)
Convención del FOCEP (1979)
Izquierda y elecciones (1979)
¿Y después del 15 de julio? (1979)
Caminante, no hay camino, se hace al andar (Nota autobiográfica) (2002)
A José María Arguedas (2004)
Perú: Reforma Agraria (2006)
Breve historia de la Reforma Agraria (2008)
La verdadera historia de la Reforma Agraria (2009)
Carta abierta a Mario Vargas Llosa (2010)
Nosotrxs lxs Indixs (2018)
Nosotrxs lxs Indixs (2019)
[Thanks to Juan Fajardo]


25 September 2024: Added to the Swedish Daniel Guérin Internet Archive:

Preface to "Leon Trotsky On the Second World War", 1970
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


23 September 2024: Added to the Swedish Leon Trotsky Internet Archive:

Letters on Max Eastman. (1925 and 1928)
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


23 September 2024: Added to the Swedish Josef Stalin Internet Archive:

Stalin and Lenin's Testament (1925 and 1929)
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


22 September 2024: Added to the Swedish Lenin Internet Archive:

Materialism and Empirio-criticism (1908) PDF format
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


21 September 2024: Added to the Swedish Leon Trotsky Internet Archive:

Fighting Against the Stream (April 1939)
The Kremlin in World Politics (July 1939)
The US Will Participate in the War (October 1939)
We Do Not Change Our Course (June 1940)
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


20 September 2024: Added to the Swedish Sino-Soviet Split Internet Archive:

On The Question Of Stalin (1963)
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


20 September 2024: Added to the Swedish Ernest Mandel Internet Archive:

An Answer to the Chinese Communist Leaders’ Defense of Stalin (1963)
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


19 September 2024: Added to the Lithuanian Marx and Engels Archive:

Reflections of a young man on the choice of a profession, 1835
Anti-Schelling, 1841-42
Letter from K. Marx to F. Engels, 16th of April, 1856
Letter from K. Marx to F. Lassalle, 19th of April, 1859
On Authority, 1873
Ludwig Feuerbach and the End of Classical German Philosophy, 1886
[Thanks to Baltoji Rožytė]


19 September 2024: Added to the Swedish Lenin Internet Archive:

Report of the Central Committee at the Ninth Congress of the R.C.P.(B.). (March 1920)
Speech at a Meeting of the Moscow Soviet in Celebration of the First anniversary of the Third International (March 1920)
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


17 September 2024: Added to the Soviet History Archive:

Amendments to 1936 Constitution of the USSR, 1944
[Thanks to Aleksandar Radić and Zdravko Saveski]


17 September 2024: Added to the Swedish World War II Internet Archive:

Yvonne Hirdman: The Communist Party of Sweden and World War II 1941-1945 (1974)
Document: The war of freedom against fascism (Communist booklet, published autumn 1941)
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


16 September 2024: Added to the Swedish Bukharin Internet Archive:

On the Offensive Tactics, 1920
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


15 September 2024: Added to the Soviet History Archive:

Decrees and documents of the Russian Revolution 1917-1918 (pdf)
[Thanks to Aleksandar Radić]


15 September 2024: Added to the eBooks Archive:

Decrees and documents of the Russian Revolution 1917-1918 (epub)
[Thanks to Aleksandar Radić]


15 September 2024: Added to the Swedish Leon Trotsky Internet Archive:

Political Perspectives (November 1922)
To Comrade McKay (March 1923)
Preface to The Communist Movement in France (March 1923)
Is the Slogan of “The United States of Europe” a Timely One? (June 1923)
On the German Revolution - A Speech to the Moscow Metal Workers (October 1923)
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


14 September 2024: Added to the Swedish Communist International Internet Archive:

The workers’ and peasants’ government (June 1923)
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


p>13 September 2024: Added to the Swedish Spanish Revolution Internet Archive:

May Days in Barcelona (1937)
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


13 September 2024: Added to the Swedish Sven Linderot Internet Archive:

Sven Linderot: Struggling for peace and freedom (1941)
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


12 September 2024: Added to the Swedish Sven Linderot Internet Archive:

Sven Linderot: Sweden for the people (1938)
Sven Linderot: Sweden in danger (1939)
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


12 September 2024: Added to the new Swedish Hilding Hagberg Internet Archive:

Hildig Hagberg: Sweden's foreign policy (1938)
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


11 September 2024: Added to the Swedish World War II Internet Archive:

Collection of articles: Finnish Winter War 1939-40
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


11 September 2024: Added to the Swedish Isaac Deutscher Internet Archive:

The Bolshevik Revolution 1917-23: A Review Article, 1950
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


11 September 2024: Added to the Swedish E H Carr Internet Archive:

The Bolshevik Revolution 1917-1923. Vol. 1 (1950) [PDF format]
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


10 September 2024: Added to the Swedish Vadim Rogovin Internet Archive:

Preparation for the Third Show Trial [1938] (1997)
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


8 September 2024: Added to the English-language Erich Honecker Archive:

Letter to Leonid Brezhnev on the Situation in Poland (1980)
Speech at the Meeting of Party and State Leaders of the Warsaw Pact (1980)
Letter to Yasser Arafat, Chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization (1983)
[Thanks to the Wilson Center Archives]


8 September 2024: Added to the Swedish Sino-Soviet Split Internet Archive:

The Origins and Development of the Differences Between the Leadership of the CPSU and Ourselves (1963)
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


7 September 2024: Added to the Swedish Lenin Internet Archive:

The Stockholm Conference (September 1917)
The Tasks of Our Party in the International (November 1917)
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


6 September 2024: Added to the Swedish Per Nyström Internet Archive:

Gustav Adolf (1932)
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


5 September 2024: Added to the Lithuanian Marx and Engels Archive:

The Principles of Communism, 1847
The Civil War in France, 1871
Karl Marx, 1877
Frederick Engels' Speech at the Grave of Karl Marx, 1883
[Thanks to Baltoji Rožytė]


5 September 2024: Added to the Swedish C H Hermansson Internet Archive:

Interview with C H Hermansson (former CP chairman, 1977)
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


4 September 2024: Added to the Swedish Leon Trotsky Internet Archive:

French Communism and the Position of Comrade Rappoport (May 1922)
To Comrade Ker (June1922)
To Comrade Treint (July 1921)
From the ECCI to the Seine Federation of the French Communist Party (August 1922)
From the ECCI to the Paris Convention of the French Communist Party (September 1922)
From the ECCI to the Paris Convention of the French Communist Party (October 1922)
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


3 September 2024: Added to the Gondi Section:

कम्युनिस्ट घोषणा पत्र, मार्क्सस & एंगेल्स (Marx & Engels)
संकलित रचनांग ग्रंन्थ-1, माओ त्सेत (Mao Zedong)
संकलित रचनांग ग्रंन्थ-2, माओ त्सेत (Mao Zedong)
संकलित रचनांग ग्रंन्थ-3, माओ त्सेत (Mao Zedong)
संकलित रचनांग ग्रंन्थ-4, माओ त्सेत (Mao Zedong)
संकलित रचनांग ग्रंन्थ-5, माओ त्सेत (Mao Zedong)
लाल सेना ता जन्म, लाल सेना ता जन्म (Võ Nguyên Giáp)
सांगठनिक नेतृत्व ता समस्यांग (रूसी कम्युनिस्ट पार्टी बाल्शेविक कांग्रेस काजे कामरेड स्टालिन ना रिपोर्ट), स्टालिन  (Stalin)
द्वंद्वात्मक ऐतिहासिक भौतिकवाद, स्टालिन  (Stalin)
[Thanks to Jangom Press]


3 September 2024: Added to the Swedish Ernest Mandel Internet Archive:

Liebman and Leninism (1975)
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


2 September 2024: Added to the Swedish Sino-Soviet Split Internet Archive:

Some Important Problems of Leninism in the Contemporary World (1963)
A Proposal Concerning the General Line of the International Communist Movement (1963)
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


1 September 2024: Added to the new Swedish Fourth International Internet Archive:

The Sino-Soviet Conflict and the Crisis of the International Communist Movement (1965)
[Thanks to Martin Fahlgren]


Archived “What’s New” Pages: