M.I.A. Library: Georg Lukács

Georg Lukacs - sketch taken from Hegel Made Easy of intellectual looking east european man in thick glasses


Georg Lukács Archive


“Mental confusion is not always chaos. It may strengthen the internal contradictions for the time being but in the long run it will lead to their resolution. ... Only the Russian Revolution really opened a window to the future; the fall of Czarism brought a glimpse of it, and with the collapse of capitalism it appeared in full view. ... at last! at last! a way for mankind to escape from war and capitalism.” 1967 Preface


eBooks for Lukacs

Early Works

The Theory of the Novel (1914)
Tactics and Ethics (1919)
The Role of Morality in Communist Production (1919)
The Moral Mission of the Communist Party (1920)
The Problem of Communist Organisation (1921)
Tagore’s Gandhi Novel (1922)

* * *

from History & Class Consciousness

Preface (December 1922)
What is Orthodox Marxism? (March 1919)
The Marxism of Rosa Luxemburg (Jan 1921)
Class Consciousness (March 1920)
Reification and the Consciousness of the Proletariat (1923)
     I:   The Phenomenon of Reification
     II:  Antinomies of Bourgeois Thought
          Subject & Object In Hegel
     III: The Standpoint of the Proletariat
         1. Immediacy and Mediation
         2. The point of Departure for the Proletariat
         3. Immanent Critique
         4. Dialectical Totality
         5. Humanism, Reification and Fetishism
         6. The Class Consciousness of the Proletariat
Legality and Illegality (July 1920)
Critical observations on Rosa Luxemburg’s Critique of the Russian Revolution (Jan 1922)
Towards a Methodology of the Problem of Organisation (Sep 1922)

* * *

Lenin – Theoretician of Practice, 1924
Lenin: A Study in the Unity of his Thought, 1924
Moses Hess and the Problems of Idealist Dialectics, 1926
German intellectuals and fascism, 1930
The fascist slogan “Liberalism = Marxism”, 1931
Propaganda or Partisanship?, 1932

Later Literary Criticism

Alfred Rosenberg: National Socialist aesthetician, 1934
Holderlin’s Hyperion, 1934
Heine’s Germany, 1934
Expressionism, 1934
The Novel as Bourgeois Epic (with Gennady Pospelov), 1935
Goethe: The Sorrows of Young Werther, 1936
Eulogy for Maxim Gorky: A Great Proletarian Humanist, 1936
Georg Buchner (with A. Dzhivelegov), 1937
Richard Wagner as a “True Socialist”, 1937

Review of Lukács’ book The Historical Novel by Viktor Shklovsky, 1939 (excerpt)

from “The Young Hegel” (1938)

Hegel's Economics, Frankfurt period
Rationale and Defence of Objective Idealism, Jena 1801-03

Wartime Works

On Fascism, 1933-42
Four Studies on Nietzsche, 1934-43
Franz Mehring. On the 20th anniversary of his death, 1939
The historical path of Germany, 1942
From Goethe and Hegel to Schopenhauer and Nietzsche, 1942
German Classical Humanism , 1942
Hegel and the Nazis, 1943
The Struggle of Humanism and Barbarism, 1943
Prussianism, 1944
Romanticism , 1945

Postwar Works

History of German Literature, 1947
The crisis of bourgeois philosophy, 1948
Dostoyevsky, 1949
Existentialism, 1949
Don Quixote: Preface to a New Hungarian Edition of Cervantes’ Masterpiece, 1951
Hegel’s Aesthetics, 1951
Heidegger Redivivus, 1951
Nietzsche as Founder of Irrationalism, from The Destruction of Reason (1952)
Preface to The Theory of the Novel (1962)
Reflections on the Cult of Stalin (1962)
Preface to The Specificity of the Aesthetic (1963)

Preface to History & Class Consciousness (1967)
The Pure Alternative: Stalinism or Socialist Democracy, from Democratisation Today and Tomorrow, 1968


The Ontology of Social Being, Volume 1: Hegel
The Ontology of Social Being, Volume 2: Marx
The Ontology of Social Being, Volume 3: Labour

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Further reading:

Rosa Luxemburg Archive
Antonio Gramsci Archive
Hegel Archive
Marxism & Philosophy, Karl Korsch, 1923
What is Proletarian Culture?, Trotsky, 1923
A Philosophical ‘Discussion’, Cyril Smith, 1998

Archive maintained by Andy Blunden.


Last updated on 15 August 2024