Encyclopedia of Anti-Revisionism On-Line

Draft Constitution of the Marxist-Leninist Party


Article I: Any resident of the American nation who does not exploit the labor of others, who accepts the proram and the constitution of the Party, joins a Party organization and works actively in it, carries out the Party’s decisions, and observes Party discipline may become a member of the Marxist-Leninist Party.

Article 2; Members of the Marxist-Leninist party must:
(1) Study and Apply Marxism-Leninism-Mao Tsetung Thought in a living way.
(2) Work in the revolutionary interest of the working class and the oppressed people of the American nation and the world.
(3) Be bold in making criticism-self-criticism-mutual criticism and practice democratic-centralism. Be able at uniting with the great majority, including those who have wrongly opposed them but are sincerely correcting their mistakes; however special vigilance must be maintained against careerists, conspirators and double-dealers so as to prevent bad elements from usurping Party leadership and guarantee that leadership of the Party remains firmly in the hands of Marxist-Leninist proletarian revolutionaries.
(4) Apply the mass line and place politics in command.

Article 3: When Party members violate Party discipline, the party organizations at the levels concerned shall, within their functions and powers, on the merits of each case, take appropriate disciplinary measures � warning, serious warning, removal from posts in the Party, placing on probation within the Party, or expulsion from the Party.

The period for which a Party member is placed on probation shall be appropriately determined for each respective member. During this period he or she has no right to vote or elect or be elected.

A Party member who becomes politically apathetic and makes no change despite education should be persuaded to withdraw from the party.

When a Party member asks to withdraw from the Party, the Party branch concerned shall, with the approval of its general membership meeting, remove his or her name from the Party rolls and report the matter to the next higher Party committee for the record. When necessary, this should be made public to the masses outside the Party.

Proven renegades, enemy agents, degenerates and bourgeois-class elements must be cleared out of the Party and not re-admitted.


Article 4: The organizational principle of the Party is democratic-centralism. The basic political unit of the Party is the cell.

The leading bodies of the Party at all levels are elected through democratic consultation.

The whole Party must observe unified discipline: the individual is subordinate to the organization, the minority is subordinate to the majority, the lower level is subordinate to the higher level, and the entire Party is subordinate to the Central Committee.

Leading bodies of the Party shall regularly report on their work to Congresses or general membership meetings, constantly listen to the opinions of the masses both inside and outside the party and accept their supervision. Party members have the right to criticize party organizations and leading members at all levels and make proposals to them. If a Party member holds different views with regard to the decisions or directives of the Party organizations, he is allowed to reserve his views and has the right to bypass the immediate leadership and report directly to higher levels up to and including the Central Committee. It is essential to create a political situation in which there is both centralism and democracy, both discipline and freedom, both unity of will and personal ease of mind and liveliness.

Revolutionary mass organizations of struggle, such as Armed Defense Groups and Red Women’s Detachment, the Workers Armed Defense Groups and the Red Guards, must all accept the leadership of the Party.

Article 5: The highest leading body of the Party is the National Party Congress, and when it is not in session, the Central Committee elected by it. The leading bodies of party organizations in the localities, in the armed units and in various departments are the Party congresses or general membership meetings at their respective level and the Party committees elected by them. Party congresses at all levels are convened by Party committees at their respective levels.

The convening of Party congresses in the localities and armed units and their elected Party committee members are subject to approval by the higher Party organizations.


Article 6: The National Party Congress shall be convened by the Central Committee at the time set by the Congress. Under special circumstances it may be convened before its due date or postponed.

Article 7: The Central Committee is elected at the National Party Congress.

Article 8: Local Party congresses at the regional level and upwards and Party Congresses in the armed units shall be convened by their respective congresses. Under special circumstances it may be convened before its due date or postponed.


Article 9: In general Party branches are formed in factories, mines, and other points of production and exploitation, in cities and rural areas, neighborhoods, schools and within the armed units under its direct leadership. General Party branches or primary Party committees may also be set up where there is a relatively large membership or the revolutionary struggle requires.

Article 10: Primary Party organizations must hold high the great red banner of Marxism-Leninism-Mao Tsetung Thought, give prominence to proletarian politics and develop the style of integrating theory with practice, maintaining close ties with the masses of the people and practicing criticism and self-criticism. Their main tasks are:
(1) To lead the Party members and the broad revolutionary masses in studying and applying Marxism-Leninism-Mao-Tsetung Thought in a living way.
(2) To give constant education to the Party members and the broad revolutionary masses concerning class struggle and the struggle between the two lines and lead them in fighting resolutely against the class enemy.
(3) To propagate and carry out the policies of the Party, implement its decisions, and fulfill every task assigned by the Party.
(4) To maintain close ties to the masses, constantly listen to their opinions and demands, and wage an active ideological struggle within the Party so as to keep Party life vigorous.
(5) To take in new Party members, enforce Party discipline, constantly consolidate the Party organizations and get rid of the stale and take in the fresh so as to the maintain the purity of the Party ranks.