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Incarceration Nation

Trump’s America and Ours

By Mumia Abu-Jamal

The shockwaves from Charlottesville, Virginia, are resonating around the world. The roiling river of hatred that rolled through the city featured a panorama of paranoia—stars and bars, swastikas, Nazi regalia, Klan crosses and Trump hats. They are America’s hidden face, now open for all to see. They are America.

They are the razors edge of the millions who heard Donald J. Trump’s inane claim that Obama was born in Africa. This was “Trumpese” for “he is not one of us.” “He’s not a real American like us.” Get it? Wink, wink!

This, the aging population of a dying generation, is the unseen undertow that floated Trump to the Oval Office. And to ask Trump to disavow or condemn them or their beliefs is like asking Grace to condemn jelly. It can’t honestly be done for they are a part of him and he is a part of them. Thus we see Trumpism unmasked.

“Make America Great Again,” indeed! Charlottesville is the illegitimate son of Charleston, South Carolina—two cities, one example—white rage on full boil—both visible, present. The grievances of people who have been betrayed by capitalism, by corporate flight, by NAFTA, and by the turning, clicking, clock of change, has become the fuel for attacks on the eternal “other”—Blacks, Jews, Latinos, students—anyone deemed not truly white.

“Make America great again,” “Make America hate again,” “Make America white again”—that’s Trumpism. How can Trump denounce himself?

Prison Radio, August 13, 2017