History Archive: Soviet Union: Art: Photography

The Soviet Art of Photography



An estranged church stands alone among kilometers of cultivated land.
A boy carries a cockerel which will be sacrificed because his families prayers were answered.

Estonia, Piukhtitsy

In the Convenant of the Assumption, a nun prays in her room. Self-sufficient nuns gather wild mushrooms.


A baptized child is given a tonsure. A wealthy bishop, who owns a chauffeur-driven limousine, welcomes guests for tea.
On the night before Easter, the Lenten fast will be broken at the festive razgovenie.

Russia, Moscow

An Archbishop of Russian Orthodox Christianity, looks down to his attentive dog. A procession of monks around Trinity-Saint Sergei monstery, in the town of Zagorsk; the spiritual center of Russian Orthodoxy.
The great St. Basil's Cathedral stands over Red Square.

Russia, Suzdal

It's below 20 degrees C, but these believers don't seem to mind. They gather in celebration of the epiphany, at the Church of Saints Constantine and Helen.

Ukraine, Lvov

A monk meditates. A monk welds, in his effort to be more helpful to the church.


A Mullah sounds the call to prayer atop a minaret in Bukhara. The Muslim population of the Soviet Union bulged at over 30 million people; around 15% of the total population of the union.


Transcription/Markup: Brian Baggins
Online Version: Soviet History Archive (marxists.org) 2001