MIA: Comintern Writers: Earl R. Browder Archive




Earl Browder








A System of Accounts for A Small Consumers’ Cooperative, 1918

Letters from the Mine Workers’ Convention – 1, [The Toiler, 8 October 1921]

Letters from the Mine Workers’ Convention – 2, [The Toiler, 15 October 1921]

Letters from the Mine Workers’ Convention – 3, [The Toiler, 22 October 1921]

The Red Trade Union International. The First World Congress of Revolutionary Unions, [The Toiler, 15 October 1921]

On to Moscow, [The Toiler, 19 November 1921]

The Workers’ Party: Our Plain Duty, [The Toiler, 24 December 1921]

Which International?, [The Labor Herald, April 1922]

Great Labor Conflicts in the United States, [International Press Correspondence, 12 April 1922]

Gompers Attacks the League, [The Labor Herald, May 1922]

The League Under Fire, [The Labor Herald, June 1922]


A Revolution in the Office, [The Labor Herald, July 1922]

Herrin: A Warning, [The Labor Herald, August 1922]

The Situation in the United States, [International Press Correspondence, 26 September 1922]

Progress of the Amalgamation Movement, [The Labor Herald, October 1922]

Amalgamation Victorious in Ohio, [The Labor Herald, November 1922]

Eleven States Demand Amalgamation. What Are You Going to Do About It, Mr. Gompers?, [The Labor Herald, December 1922]

The I.W.W. and the Communists, 1923

Arise Ye Cheated Bureaucrats, 1923

Two Kinds of Attack, 1923

Second Convention, Workers’ Party of Canada, [Voice of Labor, March 9, 1923]

The Left Wing in the American Unions, [International Press Correspondence, 24 May 1923]

International Committees of Action, 1923

A Pair of Jacks, 1923

The League’s Labor Party Referendum, 1923

Lewis and Farrington Unite, 1923

Second General Conference of the Trade Union Educational League, [International Press Correspondence, 20 September 1923]

The Machine Shop of the Revolution, 1923 [The Liberator, October 1923]

Splitting Activities of the Reactionaries in the American Labor Movement, [International Press Correspondence, 8 November 1923]

Reactionaries Smashing Ladies Garment Workers, 1923

Fascism in the United States, [International Press Correspondence, 29 December 1923]

The Campaign for Class Collaboration, 1924

Another Year of the League, 1924

Economics of Class Collaboration, 1924

Our Timid Progressives, 1924

More Class Collaboration Bunk, 1924

Amalgamated Clothing Workers Resist Reaction, 1924

Chicago, St. Paul, Cleveland, 1924


Unemployment. Why It Occurs and How to Fight It, 1924

Trade Unions in America, 1925 [Earl Browder, William Z. Foster, J.P. Cannon]

Class Struggle vs. Class Collaboration, 1925

Industrial Depression or Prosperity?, 1925

Rear Admirals and Russian Recognition, 1925

A Negro Labor Organizer, 1925

What is Collaboration of Classes?, 1925

Left-Wing Advances in the Needle Trades, 1925

The Red Trade Union International: The First World Congress of Revolutionary Unions, 1925

Opportunism Within the Trade-Union Left Wing, [The Workers Monthly, October 1925]

The Third Conference of the British Minority Movement, 1926

The Bournemouth Trade Union Congress, 1926

The Five Day Week, 1927

Civil War in Nationalist China, 1927

China and American Imperialist Policy, 1927 [The Communist, September-October 1927]

History of Trade Unionism in the United States, 1928 [The Communist, December 1928]

Preparing the Indian Revolution, 1929 [The Communist, April 1929]

A New Stage of the Mexican Revolution, 1929 [The Communist, May 1929]

The Wall Street Crash and the Class Struggle, 1929 [The Communist, December 1929]

Lovestone Ends His “Isolation”


Some Experiences in Organizing the Negro Workers, 1930 [The Communist, January 1930]

Economic Crisis and the Third Period, 1930 [The Communist, March 1930]

Preparing for the Seventh Party Convention, 1930 [The Communist, May 1930]

A "Fellow Traveler" Looks at Imperialism, 1930 [The Communist, June 1930]

The Bolshevization of the Communist Party, 1930 [The Communist, August 1930]

Next Tasks of the Communist Party USA, 1930 [The Communist, November-December 1930]

"Fewer High Falutin’ Phrases, More Simple, Every-Day Deeds" – Lenin, [The Communist, January 1931]

How We Must Fight Against the Demagogy of Fascists and Social-Fascists, [The Communist, April 1931]

To the Masses! – To the Shops! Organize the Masses!, [The Communist, October 1931]

Some Problems of Mass Work, [The Communist, November 1931]

Japan, America and the Soviet Union, [The Communist, May 1932]

The Fight for Bread, 1932

Place the Party on a War Footing, [The Communist, July 1932]

The Revisionism of Sidney Hook, [The Communist, February 1933]

The Revisionism of Sidney Hook (concluded), [The Communist, March 1933]

The End of Relative Capitalist Stabilization and the Tasks of Our Party, [The Communist, March 1933]

The End of Relative Capitalist Stabilization and the Tasks of Our Party (concluded), [The Communist, April 1933]

Main Features of the "New Deal", [from the pamphlet NRA From Within ]

Why An Open Letter to Our Party Membership, [The Communist, August 1933]

The Open Letter and the Struggle Against the N.R.A., [The Communist, October 1933]

The Meaning of Social-Fascism, 1933

What Every Worker Should Know About NRA, 1933

The Role of the Socialist Party Leaders in the Struggle Against War and Fascism, [The Communist, April 1934]

Report of the Central Committee to the Eighth Convention of the Communist Party, 1934

Approaching the Seventh World Congress and the Fifteenth Anniversary of the C.P.U.S.A., [The Communist, September 1934]

The Struggle for the United Front, [The Communist, October 1934]

Why Capitalism Can’t Plan, [New Masses, December 25, 1934]

Report to the Central Committee Meeting of the C.P.U.S.A., January 15-18, 1935, [The Communist, March 1935]


How Do We Raise the Question of a Labor Party? with Jack Stachel

New Developments and New Tasks in the U.S.A., [The Communist, February 1935]

What Is Communism? 1: General Johnson Proves It, [New Masses, May 7, 1935]

What Is Communism? 2: Questions About the Movement, [New Masses, May 14, 1935]

What Is Communism? 3: Who Will Lead the Revolution, [New Masses, May 21, 1935]

What Is Communism? 4: Your Wages and Revolution, [New Masses, May 28, 1935]

What Is Communism? 5: What the Middle Class Will Gain from the Revolution, [New Masses, June 4, 1935]

What Is Communism? 6: Communism and Religion, [New Masses, June 11, 1935]

What Is Communism? 7: How the Communist Party Works, [New Masses, June 18, 1935]

What Is Communism? 8: Americanism – Who Are the Americans?, [New Masses, June 25, 1935]

What Is Communism? 9: Labor Party and Communist Party, [New Masses, July 2, 1935]

What Is Communism? 10: A Glimpse at Soviet America, [New Masses, July 9, 1935]

Recent Political Developments and Some Problems of the United Front, [The Communist, July 1935]

For workingclass Unity! For a Workers and Farmers Labor Party!, [speech to the 7th Comintern Congress] [The Communist, September 1935]

Next Steps in the United Front, 1935

The United Front – The Key to Our New Tactical Orientation, [The Communist, December 1935]

Which Road for American Workers, Socialist or Communist? Norman Thomas vs. Earl Browder, 1935

Communism in the United States, 1935

What is Communism?, 1936

The Party of Lenin and the People’s Front, [The Communist, February 1936]

Lincoln and the Communists, 1936

Zionism, June 1936

Report of the Central Committee to the Ninth National Convention of the Communist Party, 1936

Democracy or Fascism, 1936

Answers on the Air: An Interview with Earl Browder, [New Masses, October 20, 1936]

The Results of the Elections and the People’s Front, 1936

Browder Tells Press Nazi-Tokio Pact Threatens World Peace, [Daily Worker, November 28, 1936]

The Presidential Elections in the United States, [The Communist International, Vol. XIII, No. 12, December 1936]

Earl Browder Talks to America, February, 1937

Lenin and Spain, 1937

Trotskyism Against World Peace, 1937

The Communists in the People’s Front, 1937

Revolutionary Background of the United States Constitution, [The Communist, September 1937]

About the Crisis in Zionism, September 1937

China and the U.S.A., 1937

Twenty Years of Soviet Power, [The Communist, November 1937]

The People’s Front Moves Forward!, [The Communist, December 1937]


Next Steps to Win the War in Spain, 1937 [Earl Browder, Bill Lawrence]

The People’s Front, 1938

Concerted Action or Isolation: Which Is the Road to Peace?, 1938

Traitors in American History: Lessons of the Moscow Trials, 1938

Mastering Bolshevik Methods of Work, [The Communist, June 1938]

Report to the Tenth National Convention of the Communist Party on Behalf of the Central Committee, 1938

Summation Speech at the Tenth National Convention, [The Communist, July 1938]

A Message to Catholics, 1938

Three Years’ Application of the Program of the Seventh World Congress, [The Communist, August 1938]

Stop the Sell-Out! The Betrayal of Czechoslovakia Brings War Closer Home, [New Masses, September 27, 1938]

Twenty-One Years of Struggle for Peace, [The Communist, November 1938]

The Election Results, [New Masses, November 22, 1938]

Concerning American Revolutionary Traditions, [The Communist, December 1938]

Social and National Security, 1938

Theory as a Guide to Action, 1939

Mastery of Theory and Methods of Work, [The Communist, January 1939]

Is America Menaced by Foreign Propaganda?, [Daily Worker, January 20, 1939]

The 15th Anniversary of Lenin's Death, [Daily Worker, January 21, 1939]

Unity of Western Hemisphere Attacked by Wall Street – Browder , [Daily Worker, February 4, 1939]

The Economic and Political Situation of the U.S. , [Daily Worker, February 15, 1939]

Religion and Communism, 1939

America and the Communist International, [The Communist, March 1939]

The Economics of Communism, 1939

Browder Denounces U.S. Recognition of Franco Regime , [Daily Worker, April 3, 1939]

Think Deep, Think Fast, America, [New Masses, April 25, 1939]

The 1940 Elections. How the People Can Win, 1939

Text of Radio Interview with Browder in Denver, [Daily Worker, May 27, 1939]

What is the Road to Economic Recovery?, [Daily Worker, June 6, 1939]

Fighting for Peace, June 1939

Non-Aggression Pact Weapon for Peace, Open to All Nations, Says Browder , [Daily Worker, August 24, 1939]

U.S. and World Peace Aided by Soviet Blow to Axis – Browder , [Daily Worker, August 30, 1939]

Some Remarks on the Twentieth Anniversary of the C.P.U.S.A., [The Communist, September 1939]

Unity for Peace and Democracy, September 1939

Soviet Pact Aided U.S., Broke War Axis, Browder Tells Dies , [Daily Worker, September 7, 1939]

Text of Browder's Speech at Madison Square Garden Monday , [on the Pact] [Daily Worker, September 13, 1939]

Browder Shows Way for U.S. to Stay Out of Imperialist Wars , by Harry Gannes, [Daily Worker, September 13, 1939]

Whose War Is It? September 1939

Earl Browder on President Roosevelt’s Message to the Special Session of Congress, [The Communist, October 1939]

Text of Statement by Earl Browder on [his] Indictment, [Daily Worker, October 25, 1939]


Text of Statement by Earl Browder on [his] Indictment, [Daily Worker, October 25, 1939]

Stop the War, 1939

Twenty-Two Years of Socialism, [Daily Worker, November 6, 1939]

Text of Statement by Earl Browder, [Daily Worker, November 8, 1939]

Socialism, War and America, 1939

On the Twenty-Second Anniversary of the Socialist Revolution, [The Communist, November 1939]

Olgin Died, Warrior in Battle, Browder Says at Rites, [Daily Worker, November 27, 1939]

Text of Browder's Address at Yale Peace Council, [Daily Worker, November 29, 1939]

Joseph Stalin’s Sixtieth Birthday, [The Communist, December 1939]

Earl Browder Takes His Case to the People, 1940

The People Against the War-Makers, 1940

The Jewish People and the War, 1940

The New Moment in the struggle Against War, 1940

The Second Imperialist War [abridged edition] 1940

We Need Not Be Pessimistic..., [New Masses, June 25, 1940]

The Domestic Reactionary Counterpart of the War Policy of the Bourgeoisie, [The Communist, July 1940]

Election Platform of the Communist Party of the U.S.A., 1940, [The Communist, July 1940]

The People’s Road to Peace, 1940

A Message from Earl Browder to the Youth of America, 1940

The Message They Tried to Stop!, 1940

Earl Browder Talks to the Senators on the real meaning of the Voorhis "Blacklist" Bill, 1940

The Most Peculiar Election Campaign in the History of the Republic, [The Communist, September 1940]

The Most Peculiar Election. The Campaign Speeches of Earl Browder, 1940

Proletarian Internationalism [from the pamphlet Internationalism. Results of the 1940 Election. Two Reports by Earl Browder]

The 1940 Elections and the Next Tasks, [The Communist, December 1940]

On Some Aspects of Foreign Policy, [The Communist, January 1941]

Education and the War, [The Communist, February 1941]

The American Spirit, [New Masses, February 18, 1941]

The Way Out, 1941

The Future We Represent, [The Communist, March 1941]

Madison Square Garden Speech on the Occasion of William Z. Foster's 60th Birthday, [from the pamphlet, The Path of Browder and Foster, 1941]

We Are Sailing Into the Face of Great Storms, [The Communist, April 1941]

Earl Browder Says, [1941]

The Road to Victory, [1941]

Should the United States Government Join in Concerted Action Against the Fascist States?, [The Communist, January 1942]

The Anglo-American Alliance and the Anniversary of June 22, [The Communist, July 1942]

Earl Browder on the Soviet Union, [February 1942]

On the Anniversary of the Patriotic War of the Soviet Union, [The Communist, July 1942]

Victory Must Be Won, [The Communist, August 1942]

The Communist Party and National Unity, [The Communist, September 1942]

Speed the Second Front, [September 1942]

Victory – and after 1942

When Do WE Fight? 1942

The Economics of All-Out War, [The Communist, October 1942]

Battle for Latin America, [New Masses, October 13, 1942]

Twenty-Five Years of Soviet Power, [The Communist, November 1942]

One Year Since Pearl Harbor, [The Communist, December 1942]

Production for Victory

The Communist Party of the U.S.A. Its History, Role and Organization, 1943

Hitler’s Secret Weapon – The Bogey of Communism, [The Communist, March 1943]

Wage Policy in War Production, 1943

The Carrot and the Club – Or the Copperhead Cabal, [The Communist, April 1943]

Policy for Victory, 1943

The Anti-Soviet Conspiracy in the United States, [The Communist, May 1943]


The Heritage of Jefferson, 1943 [Earl Browder, Claude G. Bowers and Francis Franklin]

The Strike Wave Conspiracy, [The Communist, June 1943]

Hold the Home Front, [The Communist, July 1943]

Anti-Semitism: How to Combat It, 1943 [Earl Browder, William Gallacher, M.P.]

The Future of the Anglo-Soviet-American Coalition, [The Communist, September 1943]

Hitler’s Uprisings in America, [New Masses, September 14, 1943]

Make 1943 the Decisive Year, 1943

Victory Has a Price, [New Masses, October 5, 1943]

Moscow Cairo Teheran, 1943

The Nature of the Coalition, [New Masses, November 9, 1943]

A Talk About the Communist Party, 1943

Teheran-History’s Greatest Turning Point, [The Communist, January 1944] [ PDF ]

Teheran and America. Perspectives and Tasks

On the Negroes and the Right of Self-Determination, [The Communist, January 1944]

Marxism Arms Communists to Meet and Solve Issues Today, [The Communist, February 1944]

Elections Must Aid Unity: Browder, [Daily Worker, February 1, 1944]

Partisanship – A Luxury America Cannot Afford!, [The Communist, March 1944]

Shall the Communist Party Change Its Name?, by Browder, Eugene Dennis, Roy Hudson and John Williamson 1944

Communists and National Unity. An Interview of PM with Earl Browder, 1944

What to Expect from Teheran. An Exchange of Views Between Eugene A. Cox and Earl Browder, [New Masses, May 23, 1944]

Teheran: Our Path in War and Peace, 1944

The Road Ahead to Victory and Lasting Peace, 1944

Appeal to Latin America, [New Masses, June 6, 1944]

Browder Unmasks Bullitt's 'Carrot and Club' Anti-Sovietism During Phila. Mayoralty Race, [Daily Worker, September 11, 1944]

Browder Tells House Body of Communist Position, [Daily Worker, September 20, 1944]

Text of Browder's Garden Speech, [Daily Worker, September 29, 1944]

Economic Problems of the War and Peace, 1944

Browder Nails Lewis for Strike Incitement, [Daily Worker, October 9, 1944]

Cooperation Between the USA and the USSR, [Daily Worker, November 7, 1944]

Vote Clears Way for Quick Victory: Browder, [Daily Worker, November 9, 1944]

Browder Tells How 'Worker' Will Spur Greater Unity, [Daily Worker, November 20, 1944]

Continue '44 Unity in City Elections: Browder, [Daily Worker, November 29, 1944]

The Meaning of the Elections, 1944

America’s Elections and the Teheran Concord, [The Communist, December 1944]

Communists in the Struggle for Negro Rights, 1945 [Earl Browder, James W. Ford, Benjamin J. Davis, Jr., William L. Patterson]

November 7 and the Future, [New Masses, December 26, 1944]

November 7 and the Future: II, [New Masses, January 2, 1945]

The Study of Lenin’s Teachings, [Political Affairs, January 1945]

A Political Program of Native American Fascism, [Political Affairs, February 1945]

Browder on National Service, [Political Affairs, February 1945]

The Big Three in the Crimera, [Political Affairs, March 1945]

Why America is Interested in the Chinese Communists, [March 1945]


America’s Decisive Battle, 1945

Defeatist Trends on the "Left", [New Masses, April 3, 1945]

Roosevelt Still Leads America, by Earl Browder, Daily Worker, April 15, 1945

FDR at San Francisco, [New Masses, May 1, 1945]

Is Vandenberg Now Making U.S. Foreign Policy?, by Earl Browder, Daily Worker, May 3, 1945

FDR's Policies Being Abandoned – Browder, Daily Worker, May 25, 1945

A Foreword to the Article of Jacques Duclos, [The Worker, May 27, 1945]

Browder's Position on the Resolution: Speech to the National Board Meeting, California State Committee CPA Discussion Bulletin, Number 1, June 1945

Speech to the CPUSA National Committee [June 18, 1945]

On the Question of Revisionism, by Earl Browder, Daily Worker, July 24, 1945

Open Letter from Earl Browder in Yonkers, NY, to the Yonkers Club, CPUSA, 1946

Appeal of Earl Browder to the National Committee, CPUSA Against the Decision of the National Board for His Expulsion, 1946

War or Peace with Russia?, 1947

World Communism and U.S. Foreign Policy, 1948

Answer to Vronsky, 1948

Parties, Issues and Candidates in the 1948 Elections, 1948

Labor and Socialism in America, 1948

Where Do We Go From Here? An Examination of the Record of the 14th National Convention CPUSA, 1948

Chinese Lessons for American Marxists, 1949

The Coming Economic Crisis in America, 1949

War, Peace and Socialism, 1949

Is Russia a Socialist Community? The 1950 Earl Browder-Max Shachtman Debate

Language & War. Letter to a Friend Concerning Stalin’s Article on Linguistics, 1950

The Meaning of MacArthur, 1951

Last updated on: 5 November 2023